In this new form, Anonymous is fully wired into things, providing connectivity for the Occupy Wall Street protesters and generating great online PR for the movement. This covers everything from fixing laptops, tablets and mobile phones on the spot to heading online moments later to identify police officers witnessed to have behaved beyond their remit (such as one cop engaged in unnecessary use of pepper spray) and let the world know who they are. It fair to say that this new dynamic was borne out of the stunning images from Egypt and other nations of the Middle East throughout 2011 where protesters hit the web in an apparently uncoordinated attempt to share what was happening with the world.. Some of the more militant vegan/vegetarian communities tend to purposefully spread misinformation about the meat industry. It sad and it gives the rest of the vegan/vegetarian community a bad name, but it happens.Now, to answer your question, if you were immersed in boiling water, I say you pass...